Looking to Boost your TV Ratings? Leverage Twitter.

Nielsen is out with new data that reinforces an Outside the News Box strategy we first endorsed in 2009.

Nielsen’s SocialGuide first reported the Twitter/TV connection in 2013. at that time It also identified Twitter as one of three statistically significant variables (in addition to prior-year rating and advertising spend) to align with TV ratings.

And, as you might expect, the impact is strongest among younger audiences.

From TVN: “Specifically, the study found that for 18-34 year olds, an 8.5% increase in Twitter volume corresponds to a 1% increase in TV ratings for premiere episodes, and a 4.2% increase in Twitter volume corresponds with a 1% increase in ratings for midseason episodes.”

ONB can help you create an impactful social strategy to drive ratings.  Contact Griff Potter.


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